I know God is real because he spoke and acted for my salvation

Short Version:
God said to me,"Good News", and soon after I received a Good News bible.

Full experience:

August 21rst, 2003:
I was down Pittsburgh, finishing up a day of work at Carnegie Mellon as I was working as a computer consultant for the Career Center. It was a pretty cool job. I'd write some software, modify hardware, or just do some light work such as deliver mail. I felt pretty much complete, after having a long hard time in school. To finally be working was a great feeling. I decided to go out for Sushi. At the Sushi place, I was seated in front of an aquarium where a single fish swam. I thought on the situation that there was a specimen of beauty in front of me, yet I'm going to be eating fish soon. There was music playing which I think was Japanese. I finished my food and tipped the waitress. Before I left, I wished a Bob Marley song would play. The next song on the radio was a Bob Marley song. I thought that was pretty cool. So I left, and was walking back to work to check in and see if anyone needed anything. While I was walking over a bridge, I heard God say to me,"Good News". It was like a whisper, but it came with authority. I had to understand what it meant. I felt compelled to go straight to my car and drive. When I was driving I felt as if I should go towards home, and while I was driving, I felt unable to turn my eyes to look at billboards or be distracted from the road. I had an effect similar to tunnel vision where everything but what was necessary for driving was being filtered out. Eventually I passed my old Presbyterian church that I went to when I was young, but haven't for several years. My dad was there doing maintenance on the graveyard. I felt this is where I needed to go. I stepped inside the church and my dad and I talked. We held hands while talking and our arms were trembling. I don't think I mentioned being told the,"Good News". He went upstairs and brought down a Good News bible for me.

,James W Sager III

Some things I took away from this experience:

#1 God is real, Jesus is Lord
#2 The Bible is God's infallible word, and that he guided the translators perfectly to copy it.
I recommend you buy a Bible and read it daily.
#3 Let us die to selfishness and truly live for others, loving and helping all.

Jesus is truth. I have no reason to lie for the cause of truth. That doesn't even make sense, right? And there's a time and place when random chance becomes beyond astronomical so it's beyond the chance it is chance. Click to learn how applying the basic scientific techniques of "Order of Magnitude" and "The Multiplication Rule of Probability" can determine how likely it was that an answered prayer could have happened if God did not exist. Using science, you could rapidly learn things you did not know were there... Like the existence of God. This is of God. He let me know he is real. He wants us to give others hope in Jesus, love, goodness and eternal life. He wants more people living selflessly and helping others. Love others as Jesus has loved us.

Email: faithclubdotnet (at) gmail.com